A tool for comparing the visibility of online ads

In a previous eye tracking study conducted by our Miratech team, we presented the most effective content for boosting ad visibility.
Now, in response to a number of questions about these results, we have published a tool online to help you compare ad visibility.

1st criteria: test the characters that appear in the ads

Define your characters according to two criteria:

  • gender
  • sensuality
Publicité 1

Viewed for
during a two-minute navigation

Publicité 2

Viewed for
during a two-minute navigation

2nd criteria: test ad layout

Define ad layout according to four criteria:

  • the presence of text
  • the presence of a face
  • visual integration: the image colors blend in with the rest of the website (integrated) or clash completely (not integrated)
  • density: the background of the ad is busy with lots of detail (dense) or, on the contrary, it is quite blurred and simple (not dense)
Publicité 1
Presence of text
Presence of a face
Good integration with the page
High visual density

Viewed for
during a two-minute navigation

Publicité 2
Presence of text
Presence of a face
Good integration with the page
High visual density

Viewed for
during a two-minute navigation


We at Miratech have made a tool available online so you can compare the impact of different criteria on ad visibility.

This tool compiles the results of an eye tracking study conducted by our teams. For a more detailed explanation on how this study was performed, download our white paper (in French only, for now.)